
Practicing Privacy Literacy Book Cover

Sarah Hartman-Caverly (top) and Alexandria Chisholm, reference and instruction librarians at Berks Thun Library, Penn State Berks, 《十大正规赌博平台大全》的合著者, Methods, and Cases,,由高校与研究型图书馆协会于10月9日发布. 12, 2023.

Credit: Association of College and Research Libraries

UNIVERSITY PARK, PA. — A new book edited by two Penn State librarians, Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Alexandria Chisholm, 收集实用的方法,学术图书馆员将隐私素养纳入他们的教学和实践. "Practicing Privacy Literacy in Academic Libraries: Theories, Methods, and Cases” was published by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) on Oct. 12.

Hartman-Caverly和Chisholm,他们都是图书馆的参考和指导馆员 Berks Thun Library, Penn State Berks, 为其他对隐私问题感兴趣的图书馆员以及如何将其整合到他们的教学和图书馆工作中.

Privacy is not dead, 哈特曼-卡弗里和奇泽姆说,学生们非常关心他们的隐私和它所保护的权利. 他们需要一种方式来表达他们的担忧,并指导他们如何在当前复杂的信息生态系统和监控资本主义文化中采取行动.

“我们的研究结果表明,学术图书馆员将隐私视为与学生探讨的重要话题,这给了我们灵感, 但在发展隐私素养实践方面面临着许多障碍, including lack of time, resources, and support,” said Hartman-Caverly. “A natural progression from our research, 这一卷是第一本书长度的隐私素养实践的检查在所有学术图书馆的功能. 我们希望这本书在学术图书馆出现的时候提供隐私素养实践的记录.”

尽管隐私一直是图书馆职业道德的核心部分, it has gained prominence in recent years, Hartman-Caverly said. 它的跨学科性质将它与高等教育面临的许多知识领域和问题联系起来, 包括围绕冠状病毒大流行期间学生健康和学术诚信监测的辩论, 以及最近出现的生成式人工智能及其对用户生成内容进行模型训练的依赖. The disparate impact of data collection, 侧写和监控还使保护隐私的努力与多样性保持一致, equity, inclusion, access and belonging initiatives, she said.

“我们希望将图书馆工作人员定位为校园和社会隐私问题的思想领袖,” she added. “在我们自己的隐私素养教学和研究合作于2018年开始后不久, the American Library Association amended the Library Bill of Rights 增加第七条,直接呼吁图书馆开展隐私教育. While we were working on the book, 隐私知识在ACRL中被认为是一种扩展的知识 2021 ACRL Environmental Scan. We were also awarded ACRL’s Instruction Section Innovation Award for our Digital Shred Privacy Literacy Initiative in 2021.”

这本书分为四个部分,以帮助学术图书馆员将他们的实践集中在数据背后的人和图书馆工作的伦理上:(1)什么是隐私素养? (2)保护隐私,(3)开展隐私教育,(4)倡导隐私. Chapters cover topics including privacy literacy frameworks; digital wellness; embedding a privacy review into digital library workflows; using privacy literacy to challenge price discrimination; privacy pedagogy; and promoting privacy literacy and positive digital citizenship through credit-bearing courses, co-curricular partnerships, and faculty development and continuing education initiatives. The book provides theory-informed, 将隐私素养纳入图书馆教学和其他学术图书馆实践领域的实用方法, said Hartman-Caverly and Chisholm.

Other Penn State librarians contributed sections. Emily Mross, business librarian at Madlyn L. Hanes Library, Penn State Harrisburg, 根据她的工作,将隐私素养纳入商业信息素养教学,写了一篇受邀的章节. Paul McMonigle, engineering librarian, Engineering Library, and Lori Lysiak, reference and instruction librarian at Robert E. Eiche Library, Penn State Altoona, 撰写了一章关于在工程中应用隐私知识, 在课程中整合隐私素养的学科背景又增加了哪些例子呢.

“Practicing Privacy Literacy in Academic Libraries: Theories, Methods, and Cases” is available in print and as an ebook.

In addition to their award-winning student-facing workshops的开放教育资源(OERs) ACRL Sandbox and other respositories, Hartman-Caverly and Chisholm offer continuing education workshops and training for peer library workers 以及那些对在工作中整合隐私素养概念和实践感兴趣的学科讲师. 有兴趣安排隐私素养咨询或专业发展会议的人士, can contact Hartman-Caverly at [email protected] or 610-396-6243.